CSE 490 - VR

Assignment #4

Initial motion import


Go through the process of successfully exporting an animation out of Maya and into Unity.

Before Tuesday January 30th, each each group member (stay in your assigned Groups) will need to go through the process of exporting a character (include 5 seconds of accompanying motion from Maya) and import it into Unity.

Here are the moments each group will be testing:

  • Act 1 - walking and running cycles
  • Act 2 - tyrant lifting up follower in hand
  • Act 3 - decision (blue eyes and star child holding hands)

Lab - For your lab on Tuesday, please compare notes on your motion experience and work together to formalize a pipeline. You will follow this pipeline for the rest of the project and do a proof of concept for the class Thursday by showing a successful 5 seconds of animation along with a proposal for the animation pipeline.